This is a lifestyle blog that consists of all the things I encounter on a dayleigh basis...Fashion, Fun, Food, and none stop laughter with friends. ENJOY
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Union Square
Day one in New York
On my first day back in the city I had one million things to do! I woke up early that morning to unpack and make something with my little space. By 12 I was out the house and headed to the city for a day of tours of the school I'm attending, filling out paperwork, getting finacial packet together, and taking tests... My life! I love it... The fast pace of my city is just what my untamed heart needed... I want everyday to be just like this... Run run run go go go :)
Update from New York

Long time no post dayleigh dosers... All faults due to me! Guys I've been having an amazing time in New York. I quite literally don't know how I lasted as long as I did in North Carolina. I had no idea how much my soul needed to be back here lol... Sounds dramatic but its so true. This place gives me so much life. I have some really amazing things to share with you guys but I've just been super busy. Many of you may know I transferred to a school up here and I have been running like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get things prepared for school in two short weeks and on top of that I'm hustling to find a job. I promise this week I'll put pictures up of what I've encountered thus far. Stay tuned!!!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Impromptu activities
Event Alert
A good friend of mine Dana James sent me an email about this event. It's definitely something I'm interested in. Anyone who's going to be in the New York area Thursday June 24th I suggest you come to this. It's being Hosted by Corynne Corbett with special guest ANTM Bre Scullark. The event is at AVEnts 15 West 28th street New York, NY 10001. RSVP at Come out, have fun, meet talented, beautiful people and hey you could even win a 5,000 shopping spree!!!

One last hoorah
Thursday, June 10, 2010
2 Days to New York
So today I spent my morning in court for a traffic violation... After I heard lifetime like story, that nearly brought me to tears, it was evident to me that I was in the wrong courtroom. To share a little of this sad story with you guys, it involved a young mother of two children and her clearly disturbed boyfriend. She was a young white women and her boyfriend was Mexican. The story went like this, she was badly beaten because she decided to buy flowers for the house instead of more beer. He said he was teaching her a lesson for being so stupid by punching her repeatedly in the face, tossing her around, kicking her, and verbally abusing her while his 2 month old baby girl and her 3 year old son watched crying. SAD SAD SAD. After the DA informed to the judge of what took place in the home, she was asked to speak. This next part is what almost brought me to tears. She opened her swollen month, paired with a nice black eye to tell the judge none of that happened. She said her injuries were self inflicted and he had nothing to do with it. I'm not sure if she told that lie because she was trying to save him from deportation or she was so scared and confused that she thought it was ok? Whatever it was, it hurt my heart that not only is this women going through this but that her young children have a man like that as a father. I've seen movies like this on lifetime and heard about it but never really seen it with my own eye's. I sat in that courtroom and felt as if I was the victim, that's how sad it was. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
We as women have so much worth and it just hurts me to see someone going through something so unnecessary. That story, although it didn't relate to anything I've ever been through, put some things in perspective for me. It reminded me to never settle, be smart about things you'll have to live with forever and dream big. It reminded me that I was put on this earth for a reason and to never stop working hard. It reminded me of the struggle and of the triumph. Ladies we have to do better, we have to want more if not just for ourselves for our children and our children's children. This post wasn't meant to put a damper on any one's day, I just had to share the craziness I witnessed today. Peace and love Dayleigh Dosers! Back to packing :)... Two days and I'm outtie
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Brooklyn Museum event: Day of fashion
To anyone who's going to be in the New York area Saturday June 26th I would seriously consider attending this event. I'll deff be in the building, so come out and join in on the festivities.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
11 a.m.–4:30 p.m.
Throughout the Museum
In connection with the exhibition American High Style: Fashioning a National Collection, the Museum partners with Etsy to present “Brooklyn Style,” an array of fashion-related programs: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
*11 a.m.–3:30 p.m. Interactive Artist Program
Beaux-Arts Court, 3rd Floor
Community crocheting with Brooklyn-based artist Olek. Bring red, white, and blue clothing to contribute.
*1 p.m. Gallery Tour: American High Style
Morris A. and Meyer Shapiro Wing, 4th Floor
Join Museum Guides for an engaging tour of American High Style. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
*2–3:30 p.m. Panel Discussion: “Brooklyn Aesthetics”
Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Auditorium, 3rd Floor
Moderated by cultural critic and fashion editor Michaela Angela Davis, this panel will explore how Brooklyn style relates to international trends, culture, and race. Participants include Camilla Gale and Rand Niederhoffer, co-owners of Fort Greene’s Thistle & Clover; Skye Parrott, creative director of Dossier Journal; and Quincy “Ouigi” Theodore, owner and creative director of the Brooklyn Circus. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
*3:30–4:30 p.m. Fashion Showcase
Beaux-Arts Court, 3rd Floor
A showcase of works by designers from Etsy, the Brooklyn Circus, Butch Diva, and Raiff Designs and top students of Pratt Institute’s Fashion Design program. Modeled by the I Heart Brooklyn Girls. Photo booth presented by Annie Powers. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Telephone: (718) 638-5000; TTY: (718) 399-8440
Admission: Suggested Contribution: $10; Students with Valid ID: $6; Adults 62 and over: $6; Members: Free; Children under 12: Free
Hours: Wednesday–Friday: 10 a.m.–5 p.m.; Saturday–Sunday: 11 a.m.–6 p.m.
Subway: 2,3 Eastern Parkway/Brooklyn Museum Get detailed directions

3 Days to New York
It's so much power in simply believing... I was starving like Marvin and all I wanted was a #11 from McDonald's lol... Because I recently sold my car I asked my mom to use her car to go get food. Got to McDonald's, got my food and I was happy. While passing the corner store up the street from my house I decided I wanted so hot fries, so I stopped. Went inside and what do you know they don't have any. Bummer. Come outside, hop in the car, turn the key and nothing... Hmmmm ok let me try again! Yep still nothing. Ugh really? I sat there and waited for my help and something inside me said go get a scratch off lol. So I did. Scratch scratch scratch and what do you know I won $100! Whoo hoo. I don't care what anyone says that was a blessing. Gambling or not its still a blessing. That my friends was all I needed to get my ticket to New York. Blessings can come from anywhere. I'm taking this for what it is and I'm extremely grateful... Nuuuuu Yurk here I come! yaabaa dee that's all folks...
DayLeigh Dose
Quelle Surprise!

After my rocky start yesterday, I just wanted to go out and have a good time with my friends. Today I only have 3 days until I leave for New York so in these last days I'm not worrying about money, a job, or details. The only thing I'm worried about is being with the people I care about. Last night, my good friend Justin and I went to Zen for some half off sushi, wasabi-tini's and a surprise party. I wasn't hungry so all I had was a drink that had me feeling woooonderful! Like always our night took an unexpected turn and we got a flat tire... Luckily our AAA guys Richard was so fun. The night was saved! Thanks Richard... To Penguins Surprise party we went! Where the good time continued...
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
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