Thursday, June 23, 2011

Meet Easy

Hey guys this is my newest bestie Free!!! Chillin in the city waiting for our table at habanas my faaaaaav... He talks shit because I want to go like everyday but so fuggin what, his ass is always right next to me so w/e

Union Sq Art

This is so interesting to me! This guy is down here all the time making these beautiful murals using only sand... No stencils just free style. I love it

Moni's cat daddy/dutty wine

Wild nights in the city

Fresh from losing my wallet in a cab having fun at 5 am headed home

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Remember this

" A woman that knows her worth, knows what she deserves and in turn is a powerful being." ~I'll never forget this again...


" Do what you must to keep your peace in this mad mad world we live in"


This is the craft center I go to when I'm feeling extra creative and dont have the tools at hand. If you ever want to be in the company of ultra cool, urban crafty people head down to space craft in Williamsburg (Brooklyn) Ny on bedford avenue. Take the J to marcy walk two block and You're there.

Dayleigh Thoughts Happy Anniversary

Well hello dayleigh dosers! How have you been loves? Well since my last posts I've been back in New York living my life. As always my experiences have been a mix of bliss and dismay. Today is an emotional and important day to me because one year ago to date I moved back to New York!!! Whew and let me tell you it's been bitter sweet. I mean I've had some awesome experiences with people, learned so much about myself and struggled like never before. In this year alone I've traveled the country, been homeless, met tons of friends (some good, some bad), lost friends, fell in love and got my heart broken. This last year has really tough and some days I just wanted to fade to black but then I'd sit and think of how far I've come, how much I've grown and that gave me the strength to continue fighting. You see I've been financially fortunate my whole life, so me packing up all my things, buying a train ticket and moving back to NY with only $200 in m pocket was unorthodox. Not for my character because I'm free spirited but from what I was use to. That decision changed the course of my life and it has changed me for the best. I will never be that girl afraid to try, afraid of what people think of me or even second guess myself for that matter. You see this girl who's been knocked down, picked up only to be knocked down again is a tough, hungry cookie. I see the world in a whole new light, I see the world as mine to take. Excuse my language but I don't give a fuck about what anybody thinks of me. I've been reborn a new creature and my time is now. I have a new hunger for life, success, adventure, happiness, knowledge and love. So happy anniversary to me!!!!! May this next year be the year of prosperity, serenity and Space lol!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Metal Silhouettes

The window display of a Art gallery in downtown Greensboro... These pieces were made from eating utensils!!! So cool and creative LOOOOOVVVE IT!!!

My better halves

Sierra, Justin and I just out being us! Got some loud, a nice view from the top and my two best friends. What more do you need?

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Cloudy with a chance of Creation

For the past couple of days I've been in a whirlwind of creative energies. I feel as though I'm being slapped with creative impulses, all at once. One day I want to rip apart clothes and make something new, next day I want to make earrings, next day I want to be a makeup artist... Mentally stable? Not one bit! But I plan to use this time to create something. Turning this troubling time into something beautiful

Free Bird

I had an overwhelming feeling to fly and be free yesterday. I just want to be where ever the wind decided to blow me. Hmmmm

Avenue of the Arts

An on the whim road trip took an unexpected turn and I ended up on the Avenue of the Art's in Winston Salem NC. I found this place so inspiring. You'll get a good mix of: Art galleries, Fine dining, African art, Eastern art, Musicians, graffiti, and clothing in this small area

Sweet Potatoes

In our quest to explore this new found land, we stumbled upon Sweet Potatoes. Well not exactly. We ended up in the art district of Winston in search of this restaurant. All the other finds were just an added bonus. Any who, Aside from the excellant service and it's chill atmosphere, what set this award winning restaurant apart from other soul food spots i'd been, is the modern twist to ordinary soul food dishes. There you can indulge in dishes like Gullah shrimp and Crab Pilau, Barbecue Duck or 3-Cheese Macaroni and country ham souffle. But if your like me and opt for small portioned meals try the basket of red and white fries (sweet potato and white potato fries) or try building your own sweet potato with white cheddar, brown sugar, butter and roasted pecans. Yum!!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Is separation really that bad???

So all around me I'm witnessing separation. Whether it be between two once passionate lovers, employer, friends, a married couple or mother from child, it's happening. As human beings we find it comforting to believe everyone we encounter is meant to stay forever, when really that's not the case by far. People are meant to come into your life to help you grow, teach you a thing or two, whatever but most importantly simple to play a role. Now looking at Hollywood for example, when a actress/actor plays a role, they don't play that role forever do they? No. After the rap-up they go on to find a new role to play. Yes they may have loved that role but the movie couldn't go on forever now could it... So why is it so hard for us to grasp this concept when it pertains to real life? I mean over the years most of us grow into new people, with new ideas, views, as a result of life experiences. It's virtually impossible to look at situations the same way you did five years ago. Unfortunately not everyone can say this. We don't all develop at the same rate. Someone can be stuck in the same place,never advancing pass one's present level. Hence the cause of separation. If I'm continuing to blossom into a well seasoned young woman and you stuck in a child-like state how will we relate? We can't, it's impossible. Now that doesn't disregard what was shared, it simply means you're on two different paths. Two which run parallel to one another. In my opinion separation is a great thing. It allows people to grow on their own. A time focus on what you think as an individual, not a pair. It's nothing like truly knowing who you are but when you have those people in your life you lean on like a crutch, you never truly know who you are. You've never lived outside your tiny box. Expand that forth quadrant and get to know and love you. Embrace separation. You never know, it could be the best thing to ever happen for you.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


A beautiful Nightmare

On the other side of the mirror, my world is RED...

Go Create

An Asaad Creation... Perfection