Thursday, April 14, 2011

Is separation really that bad???

So all around me I'm witnessing separation. Whether it be between two once passionate lovers, employer, friends, a married couple or mother from child, it's happening. As human beings we find it comforting to believe everyone we encounter is meant to stay forever, when really that's not the case by far. People are meant to come into your life to help you grow, teach you a thing or two, whatever but most importantly simple to play a role. Now looking at Hollywood for example, when a actress/actor plays a role, they don't play that role forever do they? No. After the rap-up they go on to find a new role to play. Yes they may have loved that role but the movie couldn't go on forever now could it... So why is it so hard for us to grasp this concept when it pertains to real life? I mean over the years most of us grow into new people, with new ideas, views, as a result of life experiences. It's virtually impossible to look at situations the same way you did five years ago. Unfortunately not everyone can say this. We don't all develop at the same rate. Someone can be stuck in the same place,never advancing pass one's present level. Hence the cause of separation. If I'm continuing to blossom into a well seasoned young woman and you stuck in a child-like state how will we relate? We can't, it's impossible. Now that doesn't disregard what was shared, it simply means you're on two different paths. Two which run parallel to one another. In my opinion separation is a great thing. It allows people to grow on their own. A time focus on what you think as an individual, not a pair. It's nothing like truly knowing who you are but when you have those people in your life you lean on like a crutch, you never truly know who you are. You've never lived outside your tiny box. Expand that forth quadrant and get to know and love you. Embrace separation. You never know, it could be the best thing to ever happen for you.

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